Oh and since I posted twice in one day, people who are checking for latest post might want to scroll one post down.
Let's start with the easiest of them all. The chronological order sort of gets mixed up now:
Hero Log #21: Bristleback
This is so easy because ever since when I actually first played Bristleback for the hero log, it has since evolved from the fun pwnage hero into the WTF IMBA hero that it is now. I actually tried a lot of different builds for BB, and all of them are quite fun, but none really work for competitive play.
I started out with the normal mass farm Heart Radiance stuff, and of course, as expected, it was rather capable of tanking everything and still having room to pwn things. I put a Midas in a build and it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't exactly very fun either since Midas doesn't add much excitement to your life. So far the build I'm most proud of involves getting Helm of Dominator and having 2 Centaurs stomp around and hit your enemies while you slow them with goo. Seriously, add a Kobold in and it's rather good backstabbing since about the only way to escape from a full mana BB is to TP away, but OH WAIT, HERE COMES THE STOMPER.
One thing I don't really like about BB is that it takes far too long to really start owning with him. I mean, his massive ability to not die is good and all, but unless you have good teammates to help it's really difficult to get any proper pwning done against decent players until past 30 minutes.
Ye. BB is imba still. Counters are available, but not widely or very cheaply either.
Hero Log #22: Silencer
I'll keep this short since I have a lot of ground to cover. This is one of the heroes I somehow can micro well with, much like Lich. There seems to be a heightened sense of last hitting with him. Or maybe it's just because glaives do imba damage. Either way, Silencer is kinda fun, but not that fun. I mean, for one there's the whole survival thing going on with Global Silence, but GS is usually not to be wasted like that. Then there's the massive damage output from glaives and orb-walking. The best part though, is that everyone lets the Silencer farm, which is nice.
Unfortunately, seeing as how the Silencer has no defensive moves apart from Global Silence, it usually means he gets ganked heavily, and dies. Still not a bad hero, one I don't suck at.
Hero Log #23: Queen of Pain
Everyone's favourite QoP is unfortunately not one of my best heroes. See, as much as Blink is probably my favourite spell in the game, there are some things that a QoP needs to do which I'm... not that good at doing.
Before I start on that though, there ARE still some things I love about QoP. One would be the sheer survivalbility caused by that spell known as Blink which serves as the spell that probably pisses your opponent off the most. Then there's also the nice AoE combo that insta-gibs low HP heroes.
Then there are some things QoP is meant to do which I can't. For one, there's the whole issue of Wave and Scream of Pain as really strong AoE spells. Like most AoE spells though, I miss a hell lot of them. The strange thing is that I don't actually miss them in team battles, but miss both spells a lot in 1v1s.
Then QoP players are expected to farm at godlike speeds, which I can't do. I have a consistent EoS timing of around 35 minutes, which is REALLY REALLY SLOW. QoP farming fast usually involves a lot of lane hopping around and risky blinks into situations to launch AoE at heroes. I'm unfortunately too humji to do that. Oh and somehow or other my early game micro really fails with QoP. Can't last hit for nuts.
Hero Log #24: Earthshaker
This one is easy because I suck at it. Not that badly, I do play a few good games of ES once in a while but for the most part I don't like it much. It can't farm, can't creep, can't really lane control, and is basically an EXCELLENT AoE hero, but that's pretty much it. I did play a good game of ES once, but it doesn't come often. What a simple log, ES simply isn't my kind of hero.
Well, if there's one plus point, it's the fact that ES probably has the best annoyance factor in a lane since Fissure is the longest spammable undodgable spell ever (that stuns!!!) and it feels good in a way to land a nice Echo Slam. Splat, all there fresh for your teammates to KS.
Hero Log #25: Goblin Alchemist
Ah yes. The Goblin Alchemist. I think my inter-school report more or less covered this rather thoroughly. It was an imba farmer, almost impossible to kill, good at lane control, purely irritating, and also could neutral really really well. It does have two drawbacks though. First, it is melee and has no natural movement speed increase, meaning it's easily micro-able in battle, or slows or disables can easily make him much less useful in battle.
The second and most important drawback is that the Goblin Alchemist has recently been WHACKED BY THE NERFSTICK SO HARD HE FLEW TO KANSAS. I haven't tried new Alchemist yet, and once I do I'll probably do an update of this (yeah right). Until then, I think my inter-school report pretty much covers everything else about Alchemist, as it was back then, pre-nerf at least.
Now the backlog is SA, NA, LR, Veno, Doom, LoA, Treant, Bane, Rhasta, Zeus, Prophet, THD, TS, Slardar, KOTL, Tiny, Troll Warlord, Anti-Mage, Bloodseeker and Nerubian Weaver. 46 Heroes. Whoo!
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